A Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official University document that recognizes student achievement or involvement in activities and events outside of the classroom that are not a credited part of the program or coursework.
A Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official University document that recognizes student achievement or involvement in activities and events outside of the classroom that are not a credited part of the program or coursework.
A CCR can complement resumes and transcripts when applying for employment or graduate schools and when making applications for awards, bursaries and scholarships. It highlights your accomplishments outside of the classroom and showcases your personal engagement.
The CCR resides in the MyCareer web portal with two other modules, namely: Co-op, and Career Education. Students can go to the website at https://mycareer.cbu.ca/
And log in using their CBU USER ID: Email issued by CBU PASSWORD: Date of Birth (yymmdd) Aftering logging in, you can access the CCR by clicking on the Co-Curricular Record tab.
Cape Breton University has divided its CCR into five categories. Activities need to fall under one of those categories:
Activities can be added to the CCR in two different ways:
*All criteria must be met for CCR recognition
Yes, there is a minimum time commitment of 15 hours per year that must be completed before the position is added to your record.
Activities and accomplishments occuring in the 2018/19 academic year and later and meet the criteria noted under validation, will be acknowledged. Request for the acknowledgement of these achievements should occur by no later than March 15th of the academic year in which the activity took place so that validation process can take place.
You can print your CCR after logging into your account and hitting the Print Record tab. CCR’s can be validated for authenticity by visiting the website: https://mycareer.cbu.ca/ccr/verify.htm and typing in the authenticity code, found at the bottom on the last page of the document, in the Lookup Code Box.
It is easy to get started! You can access your CCR, co-op opportunities, employment postings and more by visiting mycareer and signing in.
It is best to start tracking your CBU experiences as early as possible to ensure that all of the activities you may have been involved with are added to your CCR.
Activities that do not meet the above requirements for recognition.
Attach to a resume, bring to the interview, etc.
CCR activities can be found by clicking on the Co-Curricular tab on your dashboard and searching the Opportunity Directory in the Co-Curricular Module: Student Home
For all other volunteer opportunities it is suggested you consult with both CBU’s Career Services staff, and Students’ Union.
At this time, unless it is a CBU sanctioned activity supervised and validated by a CBU Faculty or Staff member, it cannot be added to your record.
Validators oversee the activity in which a student(s) has made a request to add to their CCR. They ensure the student(s) completed what they said they did. If hours, competency and reflection are part of the validation process, validators will review these before a decision to approve or decline request is made.
Validators (a CBU Faculty or Staff member) are generally the person(s) who have submitted a Co-Curricular Position Request or has been designated by that same individual to supervise the activity in which the student(s) is involved.
Accounts will be created for validators on the MyCareer system in order for them to directly approve student(s) requests. If you would like to become a validator please contact via email: ccr@cbu.ca
Once your account is set up for you login details will be forwarded to your email.
Training for validators will be provided at a date(s) to be determined
You can access your account by going to https://mycareer.cbu.ca/home.htm and logging in LOGIN: firstname_lastname PASSWORD: latest password that you were assigned or changed
Department: Student Affairs
Email: Nadine_Ratchford@cbu.ca