Receiving Disclosures

People who experience sexual violence will most likely disclose to someone they trust. The following are some tips on how to foster safe, caring and non-judgmental interactions when receiving a disclosure.


HONOUR: Honour survivors. Believe the person who has dislocsed information and honour their autonomy.
EMPOWER: Empower individuals who disclose gender based violence to decide the course of action.
ACT: Take action to support the person to take the next steps that THEY choose.
REFER & REACH OUT: Refer the person to resources and support on campus and in the community.
TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE: Throughout the process commit to minimizing stress and supporting their healing journey.

Further training is available at:

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence

Break The Silence (Nova Scotia)

YWCA: Not Online, Not On Campus

Posters and stickers are available from the YMCA training above. Please contact Sonya Spencer if you would like either of these promotional items.