Donation Options

There are many ways to donate to CBU — from writing a cheque to leaving instructions in your will. All donations help our students who are being taught ideas and skills necessary to shape our world in the coming decades. Explore our donation options to discover which option(s) best suits your financial and philanthropic goals.

Ways you can make your gift:

  • Cash (cheque, Visa, MasterCard)
  • Securities
  • Personal and real property
  • Gifts-in-kind
  • Planned or Legacy gifts (bequests in your will, life insurance, etc.)

To make a donation online please click here

To mail your donation please send it to:

Cape Breton University
c/o Development Office
P.O. Box 5300
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Canada B1P 6L2

If you have any questions about giving to Cape Breton University, please contact the Development Office by phone at (902) 563-1271 or by email at