Éric Thériault

Associate Professor

Born and raised in Northern Ontario, where Éric completed most of his previous education. His undergraduate work was done at l’Université Laurentienne (Sudbury) in psychology. Followed by a Master’s of Science at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay) in applied health psychology with a specialization in Gerontology, where he studied the health and well-being of older Francophones in the home-care setting of Ontario. Lastly, Éric received his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo). This is where he focused his research on psycho-gerontology and non-immigrant minority ethnic groups, such as Francophones and members of the Métis Nation in Ontario. Éric has been appointed to work within the department of psychology of Cape Breton University in 2015. In addition to the research done during his graduate work, he also studies the well-being of university students, and the importance of gerontology courses, among other topics.