Department: Psychology
Email: Erin_Robertson@cbu.ca
Department: Psychology
Email: Erin_Robertson@cbu.ca
Dr. Robertson is an associate professor in the Psychology Department at CBU. She completed her BA (Honours) in psychology at Mount Allison University and her MA and PhD in psychology from Western University. She completed a Postdoctoral position at the University of Quebec at Montreal. Dr. Robertson teaches courses in data analysis, research methods, cognition, and advanced cognition at CBU. She is serving as the Psychology Department Vice Chair and Interim Chair of Senate from September 2022– March 2023. Her research program broadly investigates reading and language development and disorders in children. This includes studies that aim to determine the best predictors of reading comprehension success over time, how young children learn new words, the nature of oral language problems in children with dyslexia, and instructional approaches to improve science literacy. She has supervised many students while conducting studies in local schools and in the CFI funded Psychology of Language lab at CBU.