Murielle Provost

Program Coordinator and Instructor

Throughout her 24-year emergency management career, Murielle has worked with governments, communities, healthcare and non-profit organizations to develop, implement, evaluate, maintain and continuously improve emergency management programs. She has been involved in responding to numerous crises including the H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009, the 2003 SARS epidemic, and the 1998 �Ice Storm of the Century� in Eastern Canada and Swissair 111 crash off the coast of Peggy�s Cove, NS. She also responded extensively to residential fires, forest fires, floods, severe storms, and hazardous material spills and related circumstances. Prior to her career in this profession, Murielle was a Canadian Naval Officer for 11 years, a disaster response volunteer for six years, and for nine years, an Executive Director and community outreach coordinator for military families. She obtained her Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) designation from the International Association of Emergency Managers in 2009.