Getting to Know Your Student Supports and Resources [4 Min Read]

Despite the excitement and opportunity, university can be challenging and stressful at times. ,  Believe it or not, no one understands that better than the people who work at CBU, because most of us had to go through the exact same thing to get to where we are today. That’s why we work tirelessly to ensure you succeed by continuously expanding and improving upon our student supports and resources. Whether it’s services or guides, we’ve got you covered and this blog is going to show you how.

At Your Service(s):

The services listed below have been built up over time based on direct feedback from students. They’ve all been carefully designed to help you, not only academically, but personally too. What we offer also tackles the physical, emotional, spiritual and social factors that can make a difference during your journey. 

Student Services 


I asked the librarian if they have the new book about Schrodinger’s cat and Pavlov’s dog going on adventures.

They said it rings a bell, but they don’t know if it’s there. (I’ll see my shelf out.)

Library Services 

Health and Wellness:

We’re going to be a little less joke-y with this one because the University takes both physical and mental health very seriously. The Nancy Dingwall Health and Counselling Centre offers a robust suite of services ranging from vaccination clinics and personal counselling, to peer support groups and Sexual Violence Response and Support. Don’t be afraid to reach out; there’s always going to be someone there to help. 

Health and Wellness Services

The (Service) Hub, Forms and the Burn Book:

The Service Hub serves as a digital resource to improve the student experience. It was designed as a way to get things done quickly, whether it’s providing information for course registration, accessing your student account, submitting a transcript request or finding general CBU info. 


I was going to make a joke about forms, but I’m not going to submit you to that…

Need a form? Add/Drop? Program Change? Letters of Completion? Here you go!

Can’t forget about the annual CBU Student Burn Book, sorry, Handbook, now can we? It contains some pretty valuable information, so if I were you, I’d consider saving a copy so you can reference it throughout the year. 


I’ll Debrief You on the Way:

Want to stay up-to-date on all things CBU? Then keep an eye out for the CBU Weekly Brief that will be delivered to your email, hot and ready, every Monday. This will include campus news, important dates and deadlines, events and other helpful tips, tricks and resources to help you survive the semester.  

They Don’t Know That We Know They Know We Know: 

Want to be in the know, or at the very least, not left entirely out of the loop? Your CBU student email is the official, and primary, communication method when it comes to important information. So please, check it regularly. 

We also love to connect with the community via social media, where we regularly post important announcements, event information and the latest CBU stories. Be sure to follow us on Instagram,Twitter and Facebook.  

It wouldn’t kill you to check on the following links either…

Important Dates



Just In Case We Missed Anything:

Have you had enough yet? Didn’t think so. 

We may have listed off a lot already, but CBU has even more to offer. Check out these final few helpful links that should tie up any loose ends! 

Helpful Links 

If, by some chance, you still have any lingering comments, questions or concerns, please reach out to