Nominating a Fellow Student for the Dr. Mary Keating Medal [2 min read]

On Monday, August 19, 2024, nominations will open for the 2024 Dr. Mary Keating Medal for academic integrity. You can nominate a fellow student until Friday, October 4, 2024, by visiting the Dr. Mary Keating Medal webpage. Before you place your nominations, we’ve compiled a list of four tips that will help keep your nomination submission focused.

For a student to be eligible, they must be in good academic standing and enrolled in any program on a full-time or part-time basis at CBU. Each award will be based on the student’s demonstrated commitment to the values identified by CBU’s Charter of Academic Citizenship

Medals will be awarded annually  to one student from each of CBU’s schools. Not only will the winning students receive a medal for their efforts, but there is also a $1,000 monetary prize.

Here are four key things to keep in mind when nominating a student for this award:

  1. Be specific – Tell the selection committee how the student you are nominating practices one or more of the values outlined in the Charter. It’s always best to use examples!
  2. Stay focused on what’s relevant – Explain what sets your nominee apart from other students striving to complete their work with integrity. Describe how the student practices the values outlined in the Charter.  Don’t nominate a student based on their high grades, as having a high average is not a requirement for practicing academic integrity at the highest level.
  3. Only speak for yourself – When nominating a fellow student, do not speak on behalf of a professor, or anyone else. Only speak to your personal experiences and what you have seen the nominee do that showcases their commitment to the highest standards of academic integrity.
  4. Write the nomination yourself – Do not under any circumstances use generative-AI tools to write or even polish your nomination. This means no ChatGPT. The selection committee wants to hear from you, in your own voice. 

Please note: Self nominations are not accepted! It is asked that you nominate a fellow student who you feel exemplifies the values, level of dedication and commitment to academic integrity outlined in this blog.

The Dr. Mary Keating Medal was created to recognize students who embody the highest standards of academic citizenship and continue generating conversations about academic integrity within the Institution.

To learn more about the award and the nomination process, please visit the Dr. Mary Keating Medal webpage or reach out to