Conne River is composed of the Samiajij Miawpukek community, 548 hectares in size, located 224 km. south of Gander, Newfoundland, and established in June of 1986.
As of February 2020 the total population was 3060:
From June 4, 2018 – June 4, 2020 the chief of the community is Mi’sel Joe. The band councillors are:
Denis Benoit, Vice Chief
Brenda Jeddore
Fernando Jeddore
Howard Jeddore
Corey John
Shayne Mcdonald
Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi
Council of Conne River Mi’kmaq Band
P.O. Box 10, Bay D’Espoir
Conne River, Newfoundland A0H 1J0
Telephone 709-882-2146 Fax 709-882-2292
Visit the Miawpukwek website.
The Qalipu is a landless Mi’kmaw band officially formed September 26, 2011. See the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Order.
As of February 2020 the total population was 23,178:
From October 24, 2018 – October 23, 2021, chief of the band is Brendan Mitchell; with Central Vice-Chief Randy Drover and Western Vice-Chief Keith Cormier [following an official tally].
Andrew Barker
Jasen Benwah
Brian Dicks
Calvin Francis
Odelle Pike
Frank Sheard
Bern White
Ivan White
Ivan J. White
Qalipu Band
1 Church Street, 2nd Floor
Corner Brook, Newfoundland A2H 2Z4
Telephone 709-634-0996 Fax 709-639-3997
Visit the Qalipu web site.