We say in the Spirit of Mandela
At a sacred place where the tools
Of war remain buried
Stand the descendents
Of Henri Membertou
For as long as the
Rivers flow free,
The winds caress the
Sea bound coast
Mi’kmaq have honoured
The Treaties with Monarchs;
Their Successors and subjects.
In the Spirit of Jean Baptiste Cope
We open our arms like Eagle’s wings
We raise our voices as songbirds
We walk with pride and purpose
On the grounds of Peace and Friendship
In the land of Mi’kmaq
We say Kwe’ aq Pjila’si
Teli-wtunkatmek wijey aq Wjijaqmijl Mandela
Sape’wik maqmikew ta’n pukmaqnn
Matntimkewe’l me’j etl-utqutasikl
Kaqmultiek wetapeksultiek
Anli Maupltuo’q.
Teli-pkijitk sipu’l,
Wju’snn munsa’matk qasqi-kjikm
Mi’kmaq kepmite’tmi’titl
Ankumkamkewe’l wejiaql Eleke’wa’ki;
Napune’kwi’tiji aq wunaqapemua.
Wjijaqmijk wejiaq Sa’n-Patist Kopo’q
Wnaqa’tunen npitnokominal staqe kitpu wnisqi’
Wenaqintu’tiek staqe sisipaq
Kepmleketaiek aq kjitmiw
Wjit wantaqo’ti aq witaptimkewey
Ula maqmikek Mi’kma’ki
Aq telua’tiek “Kwe’” aq “Pjila’si”
By Lindsay Marshall
Potlotek Poet
Mi’kmaw Translation Courtesy of Bernie Francis
Copyright © Lindsay Marshall 2010