Unama’ki College Scholarships & Bursaries

Cape Breton University is proud to offer a variety of scholarships and bursaries to assist Indigenous students in the pursuit of their educational goals. These are just a few examples of the scholarships and bursaries available to CBU students.


Johnson Scholarship

  • Bursary (Irving Shipbuilding)
  • Scholarship (Irving Shipbuilding)
Rose Nolan Memorial Scholarship (Annual)
The Joyce Foundation Bursary
Aboriginal Business Award
Jack Hartery Memorial Award

  • Bursary (Jack Hartery Memorial Award)
  • Scholarship (Jack Hartery Memorial Award)
AECOM Canada Ltd. – CBCL Award

  • In-Course Awards (AECOM Canada Ltd – CBCL Award)
Murdena Marshall Science Award (2017)
Elijah Harper
Kathryn Maroun Award in Honour of Mother Earth

Current Scholarships & Bursaries

Get more information on all CBU scholarships and bursaries here.

For more information on scholarships and bursaries available to Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) students, contact:

Unama’ki College, Cape Breton University, email: unamaki@cbu.ca