CBU Welcomes New Dean, School of Education and Health

To the CBU Community,

Cape Breton University is pleased to welcome Dr. Ellyn Lyle as the Dean, School of Education and Health. Dr. Lyle has spent more than 20 years in research and practice of teaching and learning, with the last 10 years in senior academic administration roles. A hallmark of her leadership success is creating inclusive teams and programs that centre critical consciousness and social change.

Dr. Lyle is currently Vice President of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies (CACS), and Chair of the EDI SIG within Senior Women Academic Administrators or Canada (SWAAC).

Dr. Lyle joins CBU from Yorkville University where she has served as the Dean, Faculty of Education. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Lyle as she begins her role as Dean, School of Education and Health on August 14, 2023.


Dr. Richard MacKinnon

Vice-President Academic (Provost)

Cape Breton University